
Monday, June 16, 2014

The Persistent Twos

It's Mommy Monday - Because we could all use a little inspiration on Monday!

You know the terrible two cliché, right?  Well is it true?  Many of us have experienced the wrath of a two year old & my question to you is how do you keep your cool when in the midst of a two year old breakdown?

I must be lucky, I thought I was done with these experiences but as it turned out when my youngest was 6, I got pregnant again. I wasn’t sure what to think; it would be like starting all over but I also thought that maybe I was given a chance to handle things differently this time.  Whatever was in store for me, I was going to try to face with dignity, and an open mind and more importantly, I was going to try and see each experience from my child’s perspective.

Little did I know how much I had forgotten about this stage in life. My two year old is a character as I’m sure most two year olds are. He knows what he wants, when he wants it and how he wants it. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had this power? Do we know what we want in life and how to get it? Hmmm…. Well that is a little off topic; maybe a discussion for later?  But as for now……

My son, as you can see has simple wants, he just wants to play in the water… his socks…….with no shorts on……  What’s so wrong with that? He is still learning manners and how to ask for things and often when he doesn’t get what he wants right away, he will stomp his feet and fuss making the cutest angry face ever (that of course I have to snap a photo of). Can you imagine what is going on through his mind when I sneak photos of his angry faces??  Yeah, me either.

Since we live in a sort of deserty area (yeah I make up my own words) the climate is usually dry, the sun is hotttt, and the grass doesn’t grow unless it’s drowning in water and water is EXPENSIVE. But water keeps us cool and is so fun to play in, right? Well that is what my toddler thinks and he knows how much he likes the water. He asks to play in it every day. He is persistent. Even after the water is off, he is persistent. When he isn’t done playing in it he will let me know about it. He stomps his feet, he squirms, he pouts, he screams and just lets it all out! "It was just water," I thought, "what is the big deal?" Apparently every good thing must come to an end, ok so maybe not, but that time it did and he wasn’t happy about it. What did I do when he fussed to have the water back on?  Well, I am never really sure what to do but that time I took pictures of his angry face and told him that he can play in it tomorrow. That answer wasn’t what he wanted to hear but I stayed persistent and true to my word and eventually he got over it and moved onto something else.

Staying persistent is what saved me here. Usually when I see that sweet face in distress or angry it makes me want to do whatever it takes to see that smile again but I have to tell myself that boundaries and rules are important and staying true to what we tell our kids is imperative. Toddlers may be persistent but we need to be even more so. Like in this example, my son got over it. He doesn’t hold a grudge against me and he doesn’t love me any less or hate me any more. I am his mother and I am responsible for his development. I need to teach him that in life, there are boundaries, consequences and rules that must be followed whether we like it or not.

It is not easy being a mom. It can be emotionally draining and challenging. I always catch myself wanting to take the easy way out and give in to whatever my toddler wants. It is a constant battle but one that I plan on winning. ;)  I tell myself that he won't be this age forever and I can get through this. This is just one stage of his life and it's up to me to help him develop and learn his boundaries.  

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