
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dare to Dream? - Yes You Should!

******Do you dare to dream big??******

Did you just answer that? I hope you did. I didn't dare to dream big before but I do now and why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't you? Do we have this strange idea in our heads that we need to keep it "real" and we shouldn't toss around crazy ideas in our heads like "owning several vacation homes or an island?!?"  "Ha Amy, keep it real girl, that'll never happen!"  Well I've got something to tell you, anything is possible - yep I said it and I believe it.

I had short-term goals of losing weight, staying home with my kids, being my own boss and getting supersonic fit (← still working on that last one tho) and ALL of those things have become REAL. However, I am looking into getting another side job working outside the home but that is so I can pay off my debt and reach my goals faster!!!

What types of things do you dream about or have you stopped dreaming? I know that when I became a parent, every choice I made would affect my kids so I stopped thinking about myself and started working towards things that would give them the life I thought they needed. I stopped dreaming big. I started listening to the world and I looked at my neighbors and I started copying them. I started chasing the debt, the bondage, the good corporate job with no freedom...

But now....yes now I am dreaming big because I am tired of living like everyone else! I want to live how I want to live and that includes freedom. Freedom to fly around the world. Freedom to take my boys on the most awesome field trips where they can experience hands on what the world looks like, tastes like  and feels like and they won't only get to read about it. They will get to SEE it. The freedom to change lives, teach others, help others, give others the hope and willpower they need to make their own dreams come true. That is what I dream for right now and that is what I will work towards.

The path isn't always straight but there is always a path. :)

If you are still a dreamer and need direction, message me. I would love to chat and help you devise a plan to make your dreams a reality too!

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